PSI Software Download Resource Center

4G Display

Diagnostic Software used on PSI Industrial and Power Systems Engines using 4G ECM Hardware

4G Display

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GCP Display

Diagnostic Software used on PSI Industrial Engines using GCP ECM Hardware

GCP Display

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Software Passwords

Passwords are required for both GCP and 4G Display Diagnostic Software

Software Passwords

View Passwords

ECOM Driver

This software driver is included in the download package’s above.  If you want to download the driver only, click the download link.

ECOM Driver

Download ECOM Driver

PSI Field Programmer

The PSI Field Programmer can be used to update calibrations on certain PSI engines

PSI Field Programmer

Download Now

Software Installation Help

Watch this helpful video to learn how to download and install the PSI Industrial and Power Systems Diagnostic Software

GCP and 4G Display are great tools to use for engine diagnostic and performance monitoring.  Take a look at the training video and download the software today.  You will need a ECOM Cable to connect your laptop to the engine ECM.

Legacy Diagnostic Software

Select which older diagnostic software you would like to download.

Diagnostic Software Support

Frequently Asked Questions

You will need an ECOM or ECOM 2 Cable

ECOM Cable part number is z101554

Purchase the ECOM cable from our parts team at or 888-331-5769

Yes, you will need a driver for the diagnostic software.  Luckly, the “ECOM Driver” is contained within the software download .zip folders linked above.  Take a look!

Take a look at the video above for step by step guidance on the installation.

This can occur for several reasons.   See below for the most likely causes.

  1. You are using the incorrect software for the ECM hardware.  Check the white label on the ECM, does it say GCP or 4G?
  2. You are using the incorrect password.
  3. You did not insall the ECOM Driver.
  4. Your engine ECM is not powered  up.

Yes, we offer multiple types of training solutions.  Take a look at our training page as a starting point!